What We Do
A quick guide to all the services Handsam can offer
Our specialist health & safety, compliance and support E-Training package provides unlimited access to over 30 online training courses, comprising videos, resources and assessments. We also offer IOSH health and safety training, governor compliance training and many other training services.
Keeping students and staff healthy and safe is a crucial aspect of managing any modern school. But so is proving that you are compliant with legislation and guidance.
Handsam now offer client access to the CLEAPSS Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA) service. This service will replace that which many schools, trusts and academies previously purchased or were provided through the Local Authority.
Specifically designed to offer support for Primary schools and academies who may be struggling to afford or access a suitable health and safety support service, Handsam Essentials is a collection of "must-have" compliance and health and safety guides, plus a complete update service whenever health and safety law or guidance changes and the ability to have all of your compliance questions answered by our expert panel.
Handsam School Trips Advisor is dedicated to helping you provide great school trip experiences for your students. Sign up now for your free account.
Handsam's policy writing services help you through the welter of legislation and guidance and keep you fully up to date and compliant
Handsam work closely with GCS Estate Management Ltd to assist schools and groups of schools or MATs to deliver cost effective, quality controlled support for all key aspects of managing your school buildings. This includes gas, electrical, asbestos, legionella, water, lifts and building control.
The Handsam Quick Guides library contains over 500 documents with all the relevant information, exemplars, checklists and guidance notes you need to ensure you're up to date.
EdSafe is the nationally recognised service from Handsam Ltd which includes a full health and safety audit and action plan, advice and consultancy on all health and safety matters and use of the Handsam online health and safety management system.
EdSafe schools are able to appoint Handsam as their competent person for all health, safety and welfare issues. Not only does this satisfy the requirement for schools to have access to competent safety advice, but it also provides the peace of mind that someone is available to help you when you need it most.
As an EdSafe school you will be able to contact us by phone or email with all of your safety and welfare queries and our team of professional and friendly experts will be there to find the answers for you. We see ourselves as being an extension to your own team. In addition, you also have full access to our renowned Quick Guides Library, which contains over 500 frequently updated documents.
Under the terms of GDPR a new data champion has been created to serve as an independent moderator at all levels of data practice: the Data Protection Officer. Handsam can fulfil the role of the DPO for your site.
Office 27, East Moons Moat Business Centre,
Oxleasow Rd, Redditch B98 0RE
Phone: 0333 207 0737